Etudiant en mastère pro en Business Intelligence à Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques de Rades et Développeur Full Stack.
Star Dev Cloud GroupTunis, Tunisia
camara94's Stars
In Course 2 of the TensorFlow Specialization, you will learn advanced techniques to improve the computer vision model you built in Course 1. You will explore how to work with real-world images in different shapes and sizes, visualize the journey of an image through convolutions to understand how a computer “sees” information, plot loss and accuracy, and explore strategies to prevent overfitting, including augmentation and dropout. Finally, Course 2 will introduce you to transfer learning and how learned features can be extracted from models.
Computer vision advenced tensorflow program
Implement the foundational layers of CNNs (pooling, convolutions) and stack them properly in a deep network to solve multi-class image classification problems.
Mes archive pour l'intelligence artificielle(deep learning, machine learning, tensor-flow, computer vision, python, NLP, keras)
my all lab in computer vision
Web scraping is the process of using bots to extract content and data from a website. Unlike screen scraping, which only copies pixels displayed onscreen, web scraping extracts underlying HTML code and, with it, data stored in a database. The scraper can then replicate entire website content elsewhere
A curated list of awesome articles and resources to learn and practice about software architecture, patterns, and principles.
In this course you’ll receive one of the most comprehensive overviews on open source and commercial tooling available for data science, and the skills on how to use them.
Once you’ve completed the 8 lab projects, you will be able to source data, summarize it in statistics and visualizations, and model trends that power decision making at the business level. With your well-recognized Credly badge, you will be armed to let employers and colleagues know of your impressive achievement. The more you actively engage with your peers, the more you will get from the course. We know some of this material is super hard; we encourage you to stick with it, to ask for help, and to make the most of all the coursework and projects have to offer. In exchange for this free opportunity, we will be periodically asking you for your feedback. Please take providing your response seriously as it is the best tool we’ve got to improve the curriculum and learning experience. We are relying on you to help us make the course the best it can be well into the future.
Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world
Dans ce cours, nous allons découvrir ensemble l'essentiel de less.
Dans ce cours, nous allons découvrir ensemble l'essentiel de sass.
Spring Boot est une étape avancée qui implifier le démarrage et le développement de nouvelles applications Spring. Avec Spring Boot, des configurations de Spring sont atténuées. Spring Boot soutient des conteneurs embarqués (embedded containers). Cela permet des application web d'exécuter indépendemment sans déploiement sur Web Server
Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are, Highly maintainable and testable, Loosely coupled, Independently deployable, Organized around business capabilities, Owned by a small team
L'intelligence artificielle (IA) est un processus d'imitation de l'intelligence humaine qui repose sur la création et l'application d'algorithmes exécutés dans un environnement informatique dynamique. Son but est de permettre à des ordinateurs de penser et d'agir comme des êtres humains.
Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are, Highly maintainable and testable, Loosely coupled, Independently deployable, Organized around business capabilities, Owned by a small team
La pensée critique, c'est évaluer selon des critères pour porter un jugement. « La pensée critique est un processus qui consiste à examiner des idées ou des situations pour arriver à bien les comprendre, à en déterminer les implications ou les conséquences et à porter un jugement ou à éclairer une décision
Cette dernière consistant à ressembler et analyser de grandes quantités de données structurées ou non pour en tirer des informations pertinentes. En effet, les données sont des informations brutes que les Data Scientists vont essayer d'exploiter.
Dans cette formation vous trouverez entre autres : la statistique descriptive, la visualisation des données, les probabilités, les méthodes de Rééchantillonnage de données, les techniques de simulation, la statistique inférentielle, etc
UX design is a still a relatively new field, with many companies only just waking up to the fact that they need someone on their payroll if they want to succeed in attracting and retaining customers.
A curated list of data science blogs