Natus Unit
This contract describe the rules and behaviors for Natus Unit. Natus Unit is a digital good that represents the services provided by nature within a PPA (Private Protected Area)
This is an effort to bring funds to those areas to help it grow an be preserved.
With the funds obtained from the Natus Unit project, PPAs can study their land, discover what ecossystem services nature provide.
That data allow measure of the production of those ecossystem services.
Each year Natus Foundation measure that production and generate Natus Units, that comes from the PPAs, that measure is called harvest
What can you do with it?
Like any digital good Natus Units can be exchanged between users. You can also choose to plant it. It will be in cultivation phase and will yield the planter a reward in the next harvest. Planted Natus U are cannot be exchanged anymore and represent a commitment with the land and nature represented by the Natus Unit
Implementation of PPA in BrazilĂ´nio_natural