
Random book generator to give you books to read

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Toss Me A Book


This application helps the user find a book in many different ways. By subject, title, author, or just have the application pick a book from The NYT best seller list that comes with a short description of the book.

In this application,

  • when the search with criteria button is clicked, a modal is diplayed with the criteria options
  • when criteria for the book is selected, a random book that meets the criteria is displayed
  • when the random book based on the criteria is displayed, the cover image, title, and authors are displayed
  • when the Choose New Book button is clicked, a new book with the previous criteria used or a new book from a Best Seller list
  • when the NYT Best Seller Random Book button is clicked, a random book from a NYT Best Seller list is displayed
  • when the random book from a Best Seller list is displayed, the cover image, title, authors, description, and the amazon URL are displayed
  • when the favorite icon is clicked, the icon turns to solid and the book is saved to the favorites list
  • in the favorites list, a list of all the books that were favorited with the cover image and title are displayed

Technologies Used


random book

criteria modal

favorites list

Deployed Link
