
Personal dashboard created from my Fitbit data -

Primary LanguageRuby

Cameron's Personal Dashbaord

I got the idea to do this from Sam Soffes and Christopher Hopkins.

All the data is being pulled from my own Fitbit.


  • About page
  • Blog post regarding the building of the dashbaord
  • Fitbit Aria (scale) data
  • I'd like to chart more on my diet, but Fitbit doesn't have that info and MyFitnessPal (what I'm using for food tracking) doesn't havea public API

Developer Stuff

  • I've never tried HAML before in a Ruby project so I thought this would be a good time to try.
  • Icon fonts from IcoMoon
  • Charts with Chart.js
  • Fonts from TypeKit
    • AW Conqueror
    • CamingoDos