
Artifact for "Filling a Niche: Using Spare Bits to Optimize Data Representation"

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Filling a Niche

Note: I am not currently accepting pull requests.

This is the artifact for my POPL 2022 Student Research Competition project, "Filling a Niche: Using Spare Bits to Optimize Data Representation". You can read the 3-page extended abstract here, and you can watch the 3-minute lightning talk here.

This artifact implements a type layout engine and interpreter for a simple, purely-functional language. See below for instructions on how to use the interpreter.

Building and Running

  1. Install Rust.
  2. Run cargo run in the repository to launch the interactive interpreter.


If you enter an expression into the interpreter, it will compile it to LIR (a low-level IR; like a functional LLVM IR), evaluate it, and print the resulting LIR machine value (not the equivalent high-level, abstract value). For example, the following code demonstrates the niched representation of None of type Maybe<Bool>:

> alias MaybeBool = < None of {} | Some of < False of {} | True of {} > > in <None = {}> as MaybeBool
{ tag = 2_u64 }

You can find some example expressions in example.fun. (Note that multiline input is not currently supported by the interpreter, so you will have to replace newlines within an expression with spaces.)

The interpreter also has several commands that you can use to introspect an expression or type. For example, :lyt will print the computed memory layout of a type:

> :lyt < None of {} | Some of < False of {} | True of {} > >
Variant(Tagged(tag: Niche(path: ({root} as(transparent) Some).{tag}, values: { None => 2 }), variants:
| None => Aggregate {}
| Some => Variant(Tagged(tag: Direct(values: { False => 0, True => 1 }, niches: 3..=18446744073709551615), variants:
| False => Aggregate {}
| True => Aggregate {}
Command Argument Description
:hir expression Print the HIR (high-level IR; desugared syntax)
:lir expression Compile to LIR and print it (low-level IR; like a functional LLVM IR)
:lyt, :layout type Print the type's layout
:t, :hty, :hirty expression Print the type of the expression's HIR form
:lty, :lirty expression Compile to LIR and print the LIR type
:size type Print the packed size, in bytes, of a type (i.e., the size ignoring padding)