Report: EM implementation for GMM 2018-8-13

coursework requirement

  • Implement training and testing algorithms for GMM. Programmes must be written in C/C++ or python or Matlab.

  • Use train.txt for training and check the result on dev.txt. The complexity of GMM and initialisation of GMM will be decided by you.

  • Once the final GMM configuration is fixed, you will perform classification on test.txt and save the result in the same format as dev.txt.

  • Final submission should include:

    • a. Detailed report including:
      • i. Initialisation of GMM
      • ii. GMM parameter tuning process (likelihood change, result on dev.txt etc.)
      • iii. Analysis and discussion
    • b. Classification result: test.txt with label
    • c. Source code or tools which can be compiled and/or run under windows or linux machine (Ubuntu)

Initialisation of GMM

  • K: number of GM
    • hyper parameter
  • $\mu_i$: expected value
    • np.random.random((K, D)) * np.mean(x, axis=0)
    • D: dim
    • x: input data
  • $\Sigma_i$: covariance
    • [np.mat(np.eye(D)) for _ in range(K)]
    • D: dim
  • $\pi_i$: mixing probability
    • temp = np.random.random(K)
    • pi = temp / np.sum(temp)

GMM parameter tuning process

  • First, illustrate the dataset


  • It's clear that both red and blue clusters are generated by 4 GM (K=4)

  • Run tests on dev.txt to varify that. (acc > 95%, positive)

Analysis and discussion

  • Why acc != 100% in test data
    • Because some points are too far from it's origin GM's center, and too near to another's.

Directory structure

  • results
    • classification results
  • data
    • kaggle competition data
    • script to handle csv format
    • GMM model, trained when initialized
    • script using model to finish kaggle task
    • python [arg="train"/"test"]
    • submit result($1) to kaggle, comment($2)