
Chorus integration in Python for benchmarking DP machanisms

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the updated implementation of the Chorus system (version 0.1.3) for differential privacy, to accompany the following paper:

This is an updated release of Chorus (version 0.1.3). The original release of Chorus is available here; see the original repository and the paper for more documentation.

Building & Running

This framework is written in Scala and built using Maven. The code has been tested on Mac OS X and Linux. To build the code:

$ mvn package

Running Examples

The file examples/MechanismExamples.scala contains several examples from the paper. To run the examples, after building Chorus:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="examples.MechanismExamples"

Potential Security Issues

This repo contains a proof-of-concept implementation resulting from a research project; we did not attempt to mitigate issues resulting from floating-point arithmetic or side channels. In particular, the following known attacks might be possible, depending on the deployment scenario and DBMS you use:

Please don't use this code in production without considering these issues first.


This project is released under the MIT License.

Contact Information

This code is maintained by Joe Near.