
Automation Test Tool for RESTful API

About the Automation Test Tool

Automation Test Tool for RESTful API

Author : Yu Dong Wang (Dom Wang)

Version : 1.1

Date : May 3, 2017

Email : wangyudongwyd@126.com


The usages of this tool

  1. Unzip 'autotest-1.1.zip' you can get 'autotest-1.1.jar' and the directory 'work'.

    Note: You must put 'autotest-1.1.jar' and 'work' together in one directory.

  2. You should write your test cases in directory 'work' with reference to the demo and the document ‘AutomationTest.doc’.

  3. After that, double click this runnable JAR 'autotest-1.1.jar' or run command 'java -jar autotest-1.1.jar' to run the cases.

    You can see the document ‘AutomationTest.doc’ to know more about the automation test tool.

    Directory tree:
