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🦒 Colab

Colab Info
Open In Colab ios_emoji_xl_v2_model_colab
Open In Colab ios_emoji_xl_v1_model_colab

Version 1.0 (72x72 pixel)

Trained with 72x72 pixel apple emojis 😋

GPU = Nvidia A40 (Large) at https://replicate.com
Num examples = 3953
Num batches each epoch = 989
Num Epochs = 2
Instantaneous batch size per device = 4
Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 4
Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
Total optimization steps = 1000
Total Run time: 44.26 minutes
Total Cost: $1.94

Version 2.0 (160x160 pixel)

Trained with 160x160 pixel ios v16.4 emojis 😋

GPU = Nvidia A40 (Large) at https://replicate.com
Num examples = 4129
Num batches each epoch = 1033
Num Epochs = 1
Instantaneous batch size per device = 4
Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 4
Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
Total optimization steps = 1000
Total Run time: 45.46 minutes
Total Cost: $1.98

Version 2.0 Stable Diffusion WebUI LoRA


Model & Dataset Repo


Replicate LoRA to WebUI LoRA Converter

pip install safetensors==0.3.3

import re
from safetensors.torch import load_file, save_file
checkpoint = load_file('/content/ui/models/Lora/ios_emoji_xl_v2_lora.safetensors')
new_dict = dict()
for idx, key in enumerate(checkpoint):
    new_key = re.sub('\.processor\.', '_', key)
    new_key = re.sub('mid_block\.', 'mid_block_', new_key)
    new_key = re.sub('_lora.up.', '.lora_up.', new_key)
    new_key = re.sub('_lora.down.', '.lora_down.', new_key)
    new_key = re.sub('\.(\d+)\.', '_\\1_', new_key)
    new_key = re.sub('to_out', 'to_out_0', new_key)
    new_key = 'lora_unet_' + new_key
    new_dict[new_key] = checkpoint[key]
save_file(new_dict, 'ios_emoji_xl_v2_lora_webui.safetensors')

Output Version 2.0

download (8) download download (15) download (20) 3179b54e-f9fd-4992-b6a5-8bcefc1eddd2

Output Version 1.0

out-0 5 download (2) download download (1)

Special Thanks

Thanks to https://github.com/samuelngs/apple-emoji-linux for the 160x160 pixel emojis ❤
Thanks to fofr ❤ for the idea. better model: https://twitter.com/fofrAI/status/1698741974835065171
Thanks to https://replicate.com