My extended cheatsheet is
Here is my general workflow:
- Scan host with nmap.
- Poke at each service you find for 20 mins tops.
- Use service-specific enumeration techniques from the CHEETSHEET.
- Gain initial access with whatever exploit you can find.
- Get a stable interactive shell.
- Perform OS-specific enumeration once on box with user-level access, looking for privesc vectors.
- Take notes of possible privesc vectors. Only try each one for 20 mins max before going round-robin to next.
- Perform OS- or service-specific privesc to get root!
- If box is part of network (e.g. Active Directory), gather useful data (creds) to help pivot.
These are some commands I use all the time:
# Prefer rustscan for speed, but sometimes too fast and ports not detected
sudo rustscan --ulimit 5000 -a $VICTIM_IP -- -v -n -Pn --script "default,safe,vuln" -sV -oA tcp-all
# nmap scripts are located at:
# Use ls, grep, etc. to find useful stuff.
# Also check the script-help
nmap --script-help="nfs-*"
- Check service versions with
- Read ALL output!
- Don't forget UDP!
- (advanced) Don't forget IPv6
# check what technologies a website is using
whatweb -v -a3 | tee whatweb.log
# scan for web directories
ulimit -n 8192 # prevent file access error during scanning
gobuster dir -ezqrkw /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 100 -x "html,htm,txt,sh,php,cgi" -o gobust.log -u
- Check out
(should be in nmap output) - Examine SSL certs for emails & domains
- Look for software versions (help/about pages?), check in
- View source, look for link directories and juicy comments
- Try default creds for login portals
- Try SQLi in all form fields and URL query params
- Try LFI/RFI in URL query params
- Try command injection in form fields
- Try NoSQL injection in form fields
Attacking common web frameworks:
# Wordpress sites:
wpscan --update --url http://$VICTIM_IP/ | tee wpscan.log
# see cheatsheet for agressive scan
# general enumeration scan. Also try with usernames: guest, administrator
# add: -u guest
enum4linux -aMld | tee enum4linux.log
# list available shares
smbmap -H $VICTIM_IP
# try with '-u guest' if getting "[!] Authentication error"
# recursively list directory contents
smbmap -R -H $VICTIM_IP
# tar entire smb share locally
smbclient // -N -Tc smbfiles.tar
# interactive SMB session without creds
# or with creds
smbclient '\\TARGET_IP\dirname' -W DOMAIN -U username
> help # view available commands
# ls, cd, get, put
# recursively get all files:
> recurse on
> prompt off
> mget *
# basic SA
uname -a
cat /etc/*release
ip a
netstat -untap
ps -ef wwf
sudo -l
cat /etc/passwd
cat /etc/crontab
# find world-writable files
find / -mount -type f -perm -o+w 2>/dev/null
- Look for plaintext credentials in config files, web source, shell history
- Download and run
on the host