
Provide Azure Privileged Identity Manager admins a more concise summary of all upcoming eligible and assigned roles for users across all subscriptions in the environment

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Azure Privileged Identity Management -- a.k.a. PIM -- can produce quite the large number of emails for Administrators to sift through and in a more complex environment where you are managing PIM assignments across multiple subscriptions and wanting to track upcoming expirations, its difficult to gain value out of the deluge of expiration notification messages that are coming in to your inbox. The Azure Portal also falls a bit short in giving you a summarized view of all expirations across all Azure scopes/resources as you need to click into each relevant scope (e.g. Subscription, Resource Group) and view the specific assignments there-in to gain any insight.

This Logic App is meant to assist those responsible for reviewing the expirations so that updates/extensions can be processed prior to impacting a user or group of users being able to activate their relevant role(s) in the environment.

Logic App Flow

flowchart TD
    A[Time Based Start] --> B(Get Eligible Expirations)
    A --> C(Get Assigned Expirations)
    B --> D[[For each eligible, get end date]]
    C --> E[[For each assigned, get end date]]
    D --> F(Merge Results)
    E --> F
    F --> G(Send email with summary)