Python OOP Game

Complete all the challenges below!


  • Add a new method to the Ninja class called "Meditate". When it's called add 5 health to your character.
  • Add a new method to the Ninja class called "Backstab". This method should take in another object as a parameter and should remove 10 health from that object.


  • Create a new class called "Wizard". The class should inherit from the Human class.
  • Wizards should have a starting health of 25.
  • Wizards should have a additional attribute called "magicPower" that should start at 0 by default.
  • Add a new method to the Wizard class called "Study". When it's called add a random number between 1-3 to magicPower.
  • Add a new method to the Wizard class called "Fireball". This method should take in another object as a parameter and should remove health from the target equal to the wizards magicPower.
  • STRETCH - Add a burn effect to the Fireball method that will remove an additional 1 health from the target a second for 3 seconds.


  • Create a new class called "Warrior". The class should inherit from the Human class.
  • Warriors should have a starting health of 40.
  • Warriors should have an additional attribute called "armor" that should start at 10 by default.
  • Add a method to the Warrior class called "armorUp". When it's called add 5 armor to the warrior.
  • Add a method to the Warrior class called "shieldAlly". This method should take in another object as a parameter and should add 5 health to the object. It should also remove 5 armor from the Warrior. If the Warrior has less than 5 armor this method should print out an error msg.