
Twitch chat Spotify bot

Primary LanguagePython

Create a config.yml in the root of the project with these keys and add the values to them:


# get some of these values from https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications

TODO (in no particular order)

  • Check if youtube video has more likes than dislikes
  • Check if user becomes banned and clear their songs from the queue
  • Admin commands: !clear, !close, !open, !delete #{}
  • Remove 'by' from user's searches
  • !commands with sub-commands for each additional command
  • !srs "a" "b" "c" (save playlist)
  • make relative volume work right after restart (fetch current volume before adjusting, if no current volume)
  • Filter search by only videos (not channels or playlists)
  • remove extra code from music_visualization
  • refactor color command to be more in python instead of JS.
  • write tests for botify
  • write tests for chatbot
  • refactor handler/strip.py in pixelated
  • do more exciting things when people follow/subscribe


  • back botify by a DB
  • Pulse the lights to the music
  • If volume is over or under the limit, cap it at the limit instead of erroring
  • add init scripts for botify and chatbot on mote
  • socket io error working outside of application context
  • Check if a user is VIP or Mod and allow them to put more songs on the queue

Notes on how to migrate the db

FLASK_APP=main.py flask db init # one time thing FLASK_APP=main.py flask db migrate FLASK_APP=main.py flask db upgrade