This plugin is for people who want to watch dnvod videos on Kodi(Xbmc). Only work for the area outside Mainland China. Specially for Chinese Language speaking people.
Update search function for the addon. It can sucessful running for the new search page now. 更新了视频搜索的方法,使得插件可以在新的搜索界面中上运行。
XBMC version 16.1 Jarvis or higher
XBMC 版本16.1或以上
16.1版本以上已自带 Xbmc的Requests模块
Build in module in version 16.1 Xbmc requests module:
如需中文输入,请看下文 Chinese keyboard模块
Chinese keyboard module:
To install the plugin, you need to download the latest plugin zip file And then:
- Launch XBMC
- Navigate to System | Settings | Add-ons
- Select Install from zip file
- Browse to the directory where the new downloaded zip file is being stored.
- Select OK
For proper Chinese text display on xbmc, do the following steps:
- Launch XBMC
- Navigate to System | Settings | Appearance | skin
- Change skin-font to "Arial based"
- 打开 Kodi(XBMC)
- 前往系统 → 设置 → 插件
- 选择从 zip 文件安装
- 找到你刚刚下载的zip文件
- 选择 OK
- 打开 Kodi(XBMC)Launch XBMC
- 前往Navigate to System → Settings → Appearance → skin
- 将 skin-font 变为 "Arial based"
- 打开 Kodi(XBMC)Launch XBMC
- 前往系统 → 设置 → 用户界面 → 界面语言 → 键盘布局
- 添加Chinese BaiduPY即可
Search what you like in the plugin. Only support regular movie or TV shows as guest entry.
Some VIP HD Video can be played by this add on, but not all. If it can not be played, then it means website do not have VIP HD Video in this vedio or the url can not be found. Try the normal one in this case.
中文插件库 xbmc-addons-chinese: