String Factory Manager

By Cameron Abel

Tool for managing engineers and their machines

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • ASP.Net Core MVC
  • Entity Framework Core
  • MySQL


Demonstrates many-to-many relationships and CRUD methods using the ASP.NET MVC and MySQL.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Database Installation

A sample database cameron_abel.sql file is provided with this repository. If using MySQL Workbench, simply import this file as a new schema.

  • Clone this repository to your local machine
  • Navigate to Factory.Solution\Factory
  • Create a new file called appSettings.json. Paste into this file the following code and replace uid and pwd fields with your own username and password for MySQL. If you changed the name of the database schema on import, update the database field to match:
  "ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=cameron_abel;uid=[NAME];pwd=[PASSWORD];"
  • Still within the Factory directory, execute dotnet run

Stretch Goals

  • Styling is in okay state
  • Flesh out employee data?

Known Bugs

Report bugs here



Copyright (c) 2023 Cameron Abel