Based on the Hacker News post:
Just dumps flight data to a local directory. I'll want to figure out how to make something useful of the data later.
This output is incomplete, maybe when there's no connection to some internal service to provide weather info?
"sat_commlink_portal": {
"status": "conn_ok",
"time": "Sat Sep 30 02:28:27 2023"
"pcent_flt_complete": 51,
"altVal": "36998",
"lon": "-107.664",
"satcomm_status": {
"commlink": "active",
"linkparams": "active"
"dtzone": "CDT",
"within_us": true,
"etad": "07:00 PM",
"lat": "34.387",
"gspdVal": "556",
"ttgc": "",
"dist_remain": "632",
"actime24": "21:39"
This example shows much more information and stats about your flight:
"dist_remaink": 952,
"headingAbbrStr": "E",
"dtzone": "CDT",
"lonew": "West",
"latns": "North",
"public_ssid": "unknown",
"dstate": "TX",
"gspdm": "888 kph",
"airline_icao": "swa",
"alt": "37 006 ft",
"comproute": false,
"octime": "09:43 PM",
"orig_weather": {
"orig_code": "KAUS",
"success": true,
"fetch_time": 1696040873,
"current_conditions": {
"code": "116",
"moonset": "07:32 AM",
"temp_f": "86",
"temp_c": "30",
"humidity": "57",
"sunset24": "19:19",
"sunset": "07:19 PM",
"sunrise": "07:23 AM",
"sunrise24": "07:23",
"condition": "Partly cloudy"
"forecast_conditions_2": {
"code": "176",
"high_f": "97",
"moonset": "08:40 AM",
"high_c": "36",
"day_of_week": "Saturday",
"low_c": "25",
"low_f": "76",
"condition": "Patchy rain possible",
"date": "2023-09-30",
"sunset": "07:18 PM",
"sunrise": "07:24 AM"
"forecast_conditions_1": {
"code": "113",
"high_f": "99",
"moonset": "07:32 AM",
"high_c": "37",
"day_of_week": "Friday",
"low_c": "24",
"low_f": "76",
"condition": "Sunny",
"date": "2023-09-29",
"sunset": "07:19 PM",
"sunrise": "07:23 AM"
"weather_update_cnt": 12,
"forecast_conditions_3": {
"code": "176",
"high_f": "95",
"moonset": "09:48 AM",
"high_c": "35",
"day_of_week": "Sunday",
"low_c": "23",
"low_f": "73",
"condition": "Patchy rain possible",
"date": "2023-10-01",
"sunset": "07:17 PM",
"sunrise": "07:25 AM"
"forecast_conditions_4": {
"code": "113",
"high_f": "94",
"moonset": "10:55 AM",
"high_c": "34",
"day_of_week": "Monday",
"low_c": "23",
"low_f": "73",
"condition": "Sunny",
"date": "2023-10-02",
"sunset": "07:15 PM",
"sunrise": "07:25 AM"
"forecast_conditions_5": {
"code": "302",
"high_f": "89",
"moonset": "12:01 PM",
"high_c": "32",
"day_of_week": "Tuesday",
"low_c": "23",
"low_f": "74",
"condition": "Moderate rain",
"date": "2023-10-03",
"sunset": "07:14 PM",
"sunrise": "07:26 AM"
"urlstatus": 200,
"forecast_information": {
"forecast_date": "02:26 AM"
"weather_update_recent": "02:27 UTC"
"testflight": false,
"dcode": "DAL",
"skymall": {},
"dest_eta": "",
"ocity": "Austin",
"lon": "-107.019",
"lond": 107,
"percent_flt_complete": 51,
"latd": 34,
"latm": 23,
"ttg_short": "00:00",
"lons": 8,
"dist_remain": "595",
"ocode": "AUS",
"updated": 1696041788.772574,
"gspd": "552 mph",
"pcent_flt_complete": 51,
"dest_weather": {
"dest_code": "KDAL",
"forecast_information": {
"forecast_date": "02:26 AM"
"success": true,
"fetch_time": 1696040896,
"current_conditions": {
"code": "113",
"moonset": "07:29 AM",
"temp_f": "86",
"temp_c": "30",
"humidity": "48",
"sunset24": "19:15",
"sunset": "07:15 PM",
"sunrise": "07:20 AM",
"sunrise24": "07:20",
"condition": "Clear"
"forecast_conditions_2": {
"code": "113",
"high_f": "96",
"moonset": "08:38 AM",
"high_c": "35",
"day_of_week": "Saturday",
"low_c": "25",
"low_f": "76",
"condition": "Sunny",
"date": "2023-09-30",
"sunset": "07:14 PM",
"sunrise": "07:21 AM"
"forecast_conditions_1": {
"code": "113",
"high_f": "99",
"moonset": "07:29 AM",
"high_c": "37",
"day_of_week": "Friday",
"low_c": "24",
"low_f": "76",
"condition": "Sunny",
"date": "2023-09-29",
"sunset": "07:15 PM",
"sunrise": "07:20 AM"
"weather_update_cnt": 13,
"forecast_conditions_3": {
"code": "113",
"high_f": "94",
"moonset": "09:48 AM",
"high_c": "35",
"day_of_week": "Sunday",
"low_c": "24",
"low_f": "76",
"condition": "Sunny",
"date": "2023-10-01",
"sunset": "07:12 PM",
"sunrise": "07:22 AM"
"forecast_conditions_4": {
"code": "113",
"high_f": "97",
"moonset": "10:57 AM",
"high_c": "36",
"day_of_week": "Monday",
"low_c": "25",
"low_f": "76",
"condition": "Sunny",
"date": "2023-10-02",
"sunset": "07:11 PM",
"sunrise": "07:22 AM"
"forecast_conditions_5": {
"code": "113",
"high_f": "91",
"moonset": "12:04 PM",
"high_c": "33",
"day_of_week": "Tuesday",
"low_c": "25",
"low_f": "77",
"condition": "Sunny",
"date": "2023-10-03",
"sunset": "07:10 PM",
"sunrise": "07:23 AM"
"urlstatus": 200,
"weather_update_recent": "02:28 UTC"
"octime24": "21:43",
"gspdVal": "552",
"ocitycode": "Austin",
"ocountry": "United States",
"ostate": "TX",
"oiata": "AUS",
"airline_iata": "wn",
"fltnum": "9999",
"fltleg": "10",
"satcomm_status": {
"commlink": "active",
"linkparams": "active"
"actime": "09:43 PM",
"routelock": "on",
"airline_id": "swa",
"actime24": "21:43",
"icao24b": "unknown",
"otzone": "CDT",
"oicao": "KAUS",
"connections": {
"fltnum": "9999",
"err": "Flight information missing data.",
"code": 200,
"success": false,
"fetch_time": 1696041770,
"dest": "DAL",
"orig": "AUS"
"pricing": "",
"tailnum": "N8716B",
"wow": "offgnd",
"within_us": true,
"lochist": null,
"current": 1696041788,
"headingStr": "East",
"dcountry": "United States",
"smu_sn": "200630261",
"headingImage": "url(\"/project_ext/flight/compass_E.png\")",
"flight_start": {
"tailnum": "N8716B",
"start_ts": "2023093000",
"orig": "PHX"
"sat_commlink_portal": {
"status": "conn_ok",
"time": "Sat Sep 30 02:28:27 2023"
"dicao": "KDAL",
"dcitycode": "Dallas",
"altVal": "37006",
"ac_route_states": {
"usa50route": true,
"below10k": false,
"hawaii": false,
"thru_airport_nonusa": false,
"below10k_dir": null,
"lower48_gsm": true,
"lower48": true,
"descending_10k_5mins": false
"dcity": "Dallas",
"airline_name": "Southwest Airlines",
"lat": "34.393",
"lonm": 1,
"diata": "DAL",
"offgnd_utc": 1696038901,
"altm": "11 279 m",
"lats": 34,
"offgnd": 1696038901,
"sat_cvg_state": {},
"headingVal": "91.500"