
Fast JSON Serializer

Primary LanguageC#


Very fast JSON serializer for .NET

Writing directly to byte sequences (byte* or Stream) rather than TextWriter allows this JSON serializer to achieve the speed of binary serializers.

// Easiest serialization method
void Serializer.Serialize<T>(T item, Stream destination, byte[] buffer)

// Fastest serialization method
int Serializer.Serialize<T>(T item, byte* destination, int available)

Deserialization is not currently supported, I recommend Jil for your deserialization needs.


Array with integers 0 through 1024, 1024 times

Serializer Average Milliseconds
Cameronism.Json 9
Jil 41
ProtoBuf 170
Newtonsoft 179

Array with integers 0 through 1024 as strings, 1024 times

Serializer Average Milliseconds
Cameronism.Json 24
Jil 85
ProtoBuf 107
Newtonsoft 134

Dictionary with 1 million small objects

Serializer Average Milliseconds
Cameronism.Json 415
ProtoBuf 889
Jil 1230
Newtonsoft 3195

Small object:

	SessionId = Guid.NewGuid(),
	Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
	UserAgent = i + "/" + i,
	PageId = (uint)i,
	Options = new Dictionary<string,string>(),
	Groups = new List<GroupInfo>(),


Stream Usage:

var stuffToSerialize = GetSomeStuff();
Stream destination = GetDestinationStream();
byte[] buffer = GetReusedBuffer();
Serializer.Serialize(stuffToSerialize, destination, buffer);

// destination now has the JSON

Pointer Usage:

var stuffToSerialize = GetSomeStuff();
byte[] buffer = GetReusedBuffer();
int position;
	fixed (byte* ptr = buffer)
		position = Serializer.Serialize(stuffToSerialize, ptr, buffer.Length);

if (position < 0) return; // buffer was too small

/* buffer now has the JSON */

// copy it elsewhere
otherStream.Write(buffer, 0, position);

// or create a stream of your own
var myStream = new MemoryStream(buffer, 0, position);

// or get the string version of the JSON 
string debug = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, position);
// if you need a string for more than debugging, use a TextWriter based serializer like Jil

BufferManager is an option for reusing buffers.

Serialize may be also be called with an UnmanagedMemoryStream. MemoryMappedFile can be used to get an unmanaged stream for a file on disk (or not on disk at all).

Install Cameronism.Json

PM> Install-Package Cameronism.Json


TODO Show the logger

TODO Show logger benchmarks

JSON types from .NET types

No deserialization (use Jil or Newtonsoft)

  • string
    • from System.String
      writer done
    • from System.Char
      writer done
    • from System.Guid
      writer done, only the "D" format
    • from System.DateTime
      writer done, only ISO8601
    • from System.DateTimeOffset
    • from System.Net.IPAddress
      handled by delegate generator, very Windows specific
    • from byte[] done, base64
    • from enum
      • FlagAttribute
      • non flag
  • number
    • from System.Int32
      writer done
    • from System.UInt32
      writer done
    • from System.Int16
      cast to Int32, probably not worth special case
    • from System.UInt16
      cast to UInt32, probably not worth special case
    • from System.Byte
      cast to UInt32, probably not worth special case
    • from System.SByte
      cast to Int32, probably not worth special case
    • from System.Int64
      writer done
    • from System.UInt64
      writer done
    • from System.Double
      writer done, wastefully uses ToString
    • from System.Single
      writer done, wastefully uses ToString
    • from System.Decimal
      writer done, wastefully uses ToString
    • from System.DateTime
    • from enum
      handled by delegate generator
  • object
    • from type composed of other supported types
      handled by delegate generator
    • from IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
      • string TKey
        handled by delegate generator
      • enum TKey
  • array
    • from array
      handled by delegate generator
    • from IEnumerable<>
      handled by delegate generator
  • true
    • from System.Boolean
      writer done
  • false
    • from System.Boolean
      writer done
  • null
    • from System.String
      writer done
    • from System.Nullable<>
      handled by delegate generator for primitives and non-dictionary objects


  • Not TextWriter based, byte* based
  • Member order
  • Whitespace for 8 byte alignment
  • Inline constant properties Properties that return a constant will not be called, the serialized value will be calculated when generating serialization method


  • Test for inlined constant properties around stream boundaries
  • Better return value when insufficient space
    • object serializer
      • currently just doubles original avail param
      • member result - minLength might be sufficient
      • should decrease available before serializing member, save some room for following members
  • Minimum length (and maybe reserved length) per schema
    DateTime and Guid are JSON type string but we know a lot more about their length than the general string case
  • Call Dispose on enumerators
  • Performance test array with unrolled first iteration