
Govt.nz minimal theme

Primary LanguageCSS

#How to use

Place these files into a folder in the theme directory (your-site/themes/govtmin/)


Add the following to the Page_Controller

init() {

		// theme path
		$themePath = 'themes/' . Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme');
		// js
		Requirements::javascript($themePath . '/thirdparty/jquery-2.1.4.min.js');
		Requirements::javascript($themePath . '/javascript/searchbar.js');
		// css
		Requirements::css($themePath . '/css/bootstrap.min.css');
		Requirements::css($themePath . '/css/screen.css');

// used in footer
public function CurrentYear() {
	return date('Y');

If you change the name of the theme, perform a global replace on 'govtmin' within the theme directory.