
A timescale DB benchmarking tool.


make build

will build the tool writing it to the out/ directory. make install will install it in $GOBIN ($GOPATH/bin).


will build, test, lint and check test coverage.

Running the database

make start-db

will start a TimescaleDB database in a docker container, with port 5432 mapped to the host network. It is created without a root password. All data is stored ephemerally, and will be lost when the container is stopped.

The database is started and the initial schema from schema/cpu_usage.sql is created. The data in testdata/cpu_usage.csv is loaded into the database.

make stop-db

will stop the database container.

Running the benchmark

./out/tsbench testdata/query_params.csv

will run the benchmark with the queries in the file specified on the command line.