News Corner

A minimalist news reader app of the top news from the New York Times.

Table of Contents

Project Specs

For this solo challenge I had to create a React application that allows users to see a list of articles and a “detailed” view for each article in 8 hours. The goal of this project was to demonstrate the understanding of:

  • React fundamentals
  • Create multi page UX using React Router
  • Frontend best practices




  • In your terminal, clone the repo


  • Make a new directory and cd into it

  • Install NPM packages

  • npm install

  • Do NOT run npm audit fix --force

  • Then type npm start . This runs the app in the development mode.

  • Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

  • Enjoy using News Corner!

  • NOTE: Make sure that you type Control + C in your terminal when you are done using the application. This ensure the server will stop running before your close your Terminal.

  • Start the server to see the local site npm start

  • Make sure to check out NY Times API here

Project Management

  • I used Notion to collect all the information during this project (Wireframe, Actions, Challenges). Check it out here

Future Features

  • Create error handling in case there is no news related to the topic
  • Create favorites component and logic
  • Create a serch bar so users can search for specific news



  • React
  • React Router
  • Cypress
  • ES6 Javascript
  • CSS
  • Semantic HTML
  • Fetch API
  • Hooks

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