What is for dinner?

This is an app that will help you to choose a random side dish, entree and desert to cook! You cal also find all three at the same time! No more time wasted on thinking about what to eat!

Table of Contents


  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • You are able to select a random entree, side and a desert.
  • You can select a entire meal at once.

Possible Future Extensions

  • Create a clear button to remove the options on the the should make section;
  • Create a form so user can add recipes;
  • Login page so user can save favorite combinations;

Set Up

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone the repo to your local machine
  3. View the project in the browser by running open index.html in your terminal


Cami Anderson GitHub

Project Specs

  • The project spec & rubric can be found here