Question Editor for a Radio Button Matrix
- Ability to select images from the hard drive for every row and column.
- Ability to set labels for every row and column.
- Ability to add new rows and columns.
- Ability to remove rows and columns.
- A backend to store the data
- A statistics pane on the right:
- Amount of rows created
- Amount of columns created
- Amount of images uploaded
- The string length of the longest row label
- The string length of the longest column label
- Animations when adding a row or column
Clone Repository
git clone
cd question-editor
Install Dependencies
npm install
npm start
Database Before run the backend is necessary to have mongoDB installed. If you don't have, check the installation guide here
Start up MongoDB by executing the following command:
Create the MongoDB database instance by executing this commands in a different terminal tab:
open mongodb client:
create a new database:
use questions
Back to question-editor
cd question-editor
cd server
Install Dependencies
npm install
Run If you don't have nodemon installed globally execute the folllowing command:
npm install -g nodemon
Then run the server:
`nodemon server`