
Repository for the course Digital Systems of Mechatronics Engineering in UFRN, Natal, Brazil. The first half of the course had as final project the design and implementation of a 70-instructions processor. The second half had a series of Arduino AVR projects and Assembly.

Primary LanguageVHDL

70-instructions Processor Project

Processor project implemented based on a Von-Neumann architecture. It has:

  • 4 general use registers (A,B,C,D) with 8 bits each
  • A 8 bits stack pointer (SP) - max SP in 231 adress
  • 2 sinalization bits (Z and C) - zero and carry
  • 24 I/O adresses - from 232 to 255 in the memory

Thia processor can be divided in:

  • Program Counter (PC)
  • Stack Pointer (SP)
  • General Use Registers (A,B,C,D)
  • Aritmetric and Logic Unit (ALU)
  • Instruction Register (IR)

The set of instructions supported by this processor can be found in the file P1_1717_181.pdf.