
A scaleable, available and simple CI server

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The JobServ component can be thought of at a high level as something similar to Jenkins. However, several design decisions have been made to make sure the service can be highly available and horizontally scalable.

The main implementation of JobServ is at https://ci.foundries.io. This service does lots of interesting CI including:

  • bare-metal testing for both Linux and Zephyr class devices
  • tradition CI building of code
  • building of containers using docker-in-docker
  • release deployment logic
  • handling about 20 different CI workers with no perceptible downtime
  • live updates of the system (including the k8s node updates of the backend MySQL cluster) while CI jobs are in progress.

Yet Another CI Server?

We had a few seemingly simple requirements for a CI server. After looking at several open source implementations, none seemed to able to tick off all these items:

  • Horizontal scaleabilty - The server must be stateless and scale out horizontally.

  • No VPNs - Rather than a model where the server pushes to workers, the workers should be able to sit in a private lab somewhere and pull work from the server.

  • Containers - These should be a first-class item. All builds should take place inside a container. There's even Docker-In-Docker these days in the event you need to build a container.

  • Matrix Builds - Modern projects rarely have a single "build". It will need to be built for different targets and/or toolchains and this should be directly built into the system in some similar fashion to Matrix Style builds in Jenkins.

  • Continuous - It should be capable of being upgraded in production w/o scheduling downtime.

  • Screw the GUI - Not totally true, but if you are spending much time inside your CI system than its failing you. The thing should just work in the background and point you to the failure when you need to know. A GUI is really a must, but getting everything else nailed down makes you care a whole lot less. That said we've built one: gavel-ci.

  • Test Locally - If everything important is happening inside a container, then it should be really simple to recreate a build at home in some simulated mode or develop a new project without having to push things into production and iterate dozens of times until a build passes.

  • Simplicity - We really aren't asking for that much here.


  • Server - The primary things are Python3, Flask, and SQLAlchemy.
  • Worker - Python3, python3-requests, Docker

The JobServ can be tested out for evaluation and development purposes in a few minutes by user docker-compose.


The fundamental unit and driver in the JobServ is a "Project". These are defined in simple, but really flexible YAML format. A Project will have one or more "triggers" which the input/stimulus that "trigger" a "Build" of the Project. Triggers can be something like a GitHub Pull Request or detecting a change on a branch in a Git repository. A Build of a project will consist of multiple Runs. This builds up a directory like model of data. eg:

    1/            # The first build of a project
      flake8/     # A flake8 Run in Build 1
      unit-test/  # A "./setup.py test" run for Build 1
    1/             # Build 1 of ProjectBar
      checkpatch/  # A Run of checkpatch against the change
      compile/     # A Run that compiles the code

When a Build is created for a Project each Run will have "run definition". The run definition basically takes the information from the Project.yml and fills in what needs to take place for a single Run. The definition is a simple JSON file that explains what needs to be done on the Worker.

Runner / Simulator

When a Run is queued in the JobServ a "run definition" is created. This definition is a simple JSON file that the worker can use to execute the Run.

One of the most powerful concepts of the JobServ is its "runner". The Runner is a very simple Python3 application that can process a run definition. The neat thing with the Runner is that you can set a "simulated=True" flag in the run definition and it becomes a "simulator". This means it does the exact set of operations that would happen in production, but it skips the steps of communicating with the server for streaming the log files and uploading artifacts.

Every Run's console.log includes a stanza near the top with instructions for re-creating the run locally. eg:

  == 2017-08-15 14:03:07.362887: Steps to recreate inside simulator

      mkdir /tmp/sim-run
      cd /tmp/sim-run
      wget -O runner https://api.linarotechnologies.org/runner
      wget -O rundef.json https://jobserv.example.com/projects/Foo/builds/1/runs/compile-linux/.rundef.json
      # open rundef.json and update values for secrets
      PYTHONPATH=./runner python3 -m jobserv_runner.simulator -w `pwd` rundef.json

There's also a built-in simulator to help develop new Projects.


Workers are sort of like a Jenkins slave. These should ideally be bare-metal servers that can access the JobServ via HTTPS. A worker will register itself with the JobServ. An administrator can then mark the worker as "enlisted" which will enable it to handle Runs when it checks in. The worker periodically checks in with the JobServ. This check-in lets the JobServ know the worker is online and gives the JobServ the chance to schedule on Run on the worker. The worker is a fairly simple Python3 script that knows how to update itself so that managing workers in production is simple.

Data Model

The data model is fairly trivial. At the root it has multiple Projects. A Project has Builds. Builds are sequentially numbered starting with 1. Each Build has one or more Runs. Runs can optionally have Tests that can optionally have TestResults.

Project Example

Here is a simple definition that expects to be triggered by a GitHub Pull Request. (A webhook would be registered with a GitHub project that will then trigger the JobServ when a pull-request occurs).

timeout: 5   # each run has 5 minutes to complete before being killed
  - name: Python Style Project on GitHub
    type: github_pr
      - name: unit-test
        container: linarotechnologies/python-builder
        script: unit-test
      - name: flake8
        container: linarotechnologies/python-builder
        script: flake8

  flake8: |
    #!/bin/sh -ex
    pip3 install flake8
    flake8 ./

  unit-test: |
    #!/bin/sh -ex

When triggered the JobServ will create a new "Build" containing two "Runs", "unit-test" and "flake8". The Build will pass if both runs pass, otherwise it will be marked as a failure. The Runs are each marked as "QUEUED", so that the JobServ will know to schedule them when a worker is available.

Deployment Diagram

This service is deployed into Kubernetes as follows:

                              inbound traffic
                          |                     |
                          |  load balancer      |
                          |                     |
                            /       |         \
                           /        |          \
                          /         |           \
                         /          |            \
          +-------------v-+  +------v--------+  +-v-------------+
          |               |  |               |  |               |
          |  jobserv api  |  |  jobserv api  |  |  jobserv api  |
          |               |  |               |  |               |
          +---------------+  +---------------+  +---------------+

 +-------------------------+  +--------------------+  +-----------------------+
 |                         |  |                    |  |                       |
 | NFS Server (not HA)     |  |  MySQL             |  | Storage               |
 |  (for in progress runs) |  |                    |  |  (for build artifacts)|
 +-------------------------+  +--------------------+  +-----------------------+