
Battleships project for MakersAcademy

Primary LanguageRuby

Battleships in the Browser

Feature: Starting the game
  In order to play battleships
  As a nostalgic player
  I want to start a new game

To Run

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:camillavk/BattleShips.git
cd BattleShips

Install dependencies and start the server:

bundle install

To test, run 'spec' and 'cucumber' from the command line.


In Week 2, Tim, Hadi, Camilla, and Denise built back-end logic for Battleships using OOD in Ruby. In Week 3, our task was to build a playable frontend in Sinatra.


  • Ruby
  • Sinatra
  • Cucumber
  • Capybara
  • RSpec
  • HTML5 & Embedded Ruby
  • CSS3
  • Heroku

Learning Objectives

  • Working in teams
  • Scoping a project
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Behavior-Driven Development
  • Features testing in Cucumber
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Encapsulation
  • Design Patterns
  • SOLID Principles
  • User experience design

User Story Overview

Battleships is a classic game where each player has a board upon which they can place a number of ships. The boards are 10x10 two dimensional grids.

After each player has placed their ships on their own board they take turns to shoot on the opponents board. The opponent announces whether or not the square is occupied by a ship, and if it is a hit they mark this on their own primary grid. The attacking player notes the hit or miss on their own tracking grid, in order to build up a picture of the opponent's fleet.

When all of one player's ships have been hit the game finishes and the player who has ships remaining is the winner.

To Do

We ran out of time to complete the browser implementation of the game. In our most updated version, the player can login, initiate a new session, and place ships on a board.

Tasks remaining:

  • Automate ship placement for size of ship
  • Implement sessions for two players
  • Shoot at square on opponent's board
  • Extend test suite
  • Finish porting game logic to front end