Version 2 of the FAAST Challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

Faast System


This is the challange for the first week of Makers Academy.


Create a tube system to be deployed into the undergound. The FAAST system needs to cater for the following;

  • There will be a number of trains inside the system
  • Trains will travel from station to station
  • Inside of a station, when the train stops, passengers will alight and enter the carriages of the train A passenger will touch in at the station and touch out at the destination station
  • Each carriage of a train can hold up to 40 passengers
  • Each train is made of a number of coaches

There are four objects within this system, the Passenger(s), carriages, train and station and they will interact in the following ways;

  1. Passenger touches in at Station
  2. Passenger boards Carriage *
  3. Train transports Carriage from one Station to another Station
  4. Passenger disembarks from Carriage
  5. Passenger touches out at Station
  • Carriage rejects Passenger if it is already at its capacity (40 Passengers)

  • The passenger is charged 2GBP when they touch out of a station (unless the station specifies a different amount to charge the passenger)

Technologies Used

Ruby, Rspec