
Super cool React app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Super Cool App

Week One

Initial steps to build the React App:

npm i -g create-react-app
npm i -g @storybook/cli
create-react-app super-cool-app
cd super-cool-app

(initialise github repo etc)

-- using @storybook/cli instead of storybook because...I couldn't get it working?

Initially running tests throwing an error:

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event


brew install watchman
yarn test

Why use create-react-app and getstorybook

  • Super fast to set up
  • Very detailed Documentation

File structure choices

  • All components in src/
  • Each component has its own folder, with three files, index.test.js, index.js and stories.js
    • This means all tests are next to the relevant components

Week Two

  • Setup Docker/Makefile

  • when testing components, at what point do you write the storybook? Should you use the storybook as the 'end-to-end' (manual) test, so write it first, then break down into smaller 'unit/component' tests that you use to TDD the code itself?

  • Add enzyme so I can unit test components using shallow - faster tests if not rendering whole DOM?

  • if testing components, does storybook become a duplication of testing?

  • Added enzyme-matchers because expect(wrapper).toContainReact(welcome) is so much nicer than expect(wrapper.contains(app_name)).toEqual(true);

  • :( no context, but there is describe in Jest