
Weekly nerd sessions during the Minor Web Development at CMD HvA

Weekly nerd

This are all the notes and articles from the Weekly Nerd sessions we had during the Minor Web Development 2017.



These are a small resume's of the weekly nerd sessions

1. Stephen Hay - Week 1

Stephen Hay is a developer at Catawiki. His talk was about UX and accessibility. He worked on the W3C guidelines and gave us some tips for a better overall user experience.

  • When building a website, check the W3C guidelines
  • Make your own guidelines when working in a team so that everyone is on the same line.
  • Don't be afraid to try out new things and technologies
  • Always keep the design problem in mind when building your product.
  • Design lo-fi prototypes as long as you can, and test them a lot*
  • Make sketches before you build something

2. Peter Paul Koch - Week 3

Peter Paul Koch gave an very interesting weekly nerd about some problems he notices on the web.

  • To many features
    • We want to add to many features so our app feels like a native one. That's bad practice.
  • We use to many frameworks
  • Not all developers have enough knowledge, they have no idea how to solve a problem.
  • Our web applications can't get better than native app's, accept it.
  • Using to many features -> We lose the overal view.


Polyfills help us to make sure that all features work in different browsers.

The right way to focus

  1. Technology focus (what can it do)
  2. Feature focus (what features can be added)
  3. experience focus (how is the overall experience)

& .. Don't use to many tools!

3. Titus Wormer - Week 4

Titus Wormer

4. Jasper Moelker - Week 5

Jasper Moelker works at the Voorhoede, we visited him for a weekly nerd

  • The basic experience of your application has to be enjoyable
  • Make sure your not only developing for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera.. There are more!
  • Start with minimum requriments, make sure every one can use your application.
  • Use feature detection to check what the actual browser supports, enhance if possible.
  • Make sure your website works with HTML and CSS only, JavaScript can break!
  • CSS can do things you probably do with JavaScript. Use the target selector!

5. Bram Duvigneau - Week 6

Bram is a blind developer, a really good one. It was a very interesting session! You can find my annotations below!

Bram Duvigneau

6. Peter Peerdeman - Week 8

Peter Peerdeman is a developer at Lifely. Today he gave a talk about web sockets and GraphQL.

Peter Peerdeman

7. Niels Leenheer - Week 10

Niels is the owner of HTML5test.nl. He gave a interesting talk about the internet of things

  • Made his house into a smart house
  • The internet of things is boring, make it exciting!
  • Everything can be connected, it matters how you do it.
  • The 'S' in IOT stands for security
  • Smart homes are the future

8. Leonie Wattson

Leonie is a blind developer as well. She gave a interesting talk about things we, developers, should know about screen readers.

  • A screen reader translates text into speech. It's a software that can be used on almost every platform.
  • Screen readers are not only there for the blind. They are there for the visually impaired, people driving a car and dyslectic for example.
  • Developers want to build something that everyone is able to use. It's our responsibility.
  • If your browser supports a new tag, that doesn't mean the screen reader does. Know your possibilities.
  • Make elements on your project focusable.

9. Nick de Bruijn - Week 13

Nick de Bruijn is one of Lifely's founders. He talked about the process that involved starting your own company.

Nick de Bruijn

10. Guido Bouman - Week ?

Guido Bouman