React Multi Range Slider

A lightweight customizable React multi-range slider built using Vite and styled components.

This slider is designed to empower you in scenarios such as repartitions, percentage distribution, and more.

Key features

Dynamic Thumb Configuration: Easily set the number of thumbs according to your requirements, offering flexibility in user interaction and data representation.

Style Customization: Tailor the appearance of the slider and thumbs effortlessly. Feel free to adapt the provided styled components to your preferred styling methods, whether it's pure CSS or alternative styling approaches.

Precision Control: Define the step size, minimum, and maximum values for precise control over the slider's behavior, ensuring seamless integration with your application's specific needs.


Here are the props that control and customize the component:

props type required default description
values number[] true Values of the slider. The length of the array will define the number of thumbs
labels string[] false [] Labels of the values. The indexes of the labels array match the values array indexes
unit string false '' Unit of the values displayed next to each of them
min number false 0 Minimum value that the user can set for each value of the values array
max number false 100 Maximum value that the user can set for each value of the values array
step number false 1 Value change when the user interacts with the slider
onChange (newValues: number[]) => void true Function that updates the values when the user interacts with the slider
ref React.MutableRefObject false React ref added to the main container
color string false '#142a4c80' Main color of the slider bar
secondaryColor string false If given, one of two values will be of this color alternatively
barHeight number false 12 Bar height in px
thumbWidth number false 30 Thumb width in px
thumbHeight number false 30 Thumb height in px
thumbColor string false 'black' Thumb color
thumbStyle React.CSSProperties false Override default style with inline style on the thumb
containerStyle React.CSSProperties false Override default style with inline style on the main container


Multi range slider example

import React, { useState } from "react"
import MultiRangeSlider from "react-multi-range-slider"

const MySlider = () => {
  const [values, setValues] = useState([40, 45, 15])

  const labels = ['Men', 'Women', 'Other']

  return (

export default MySlider


MIT License (Free to use)


Camille Durthaller-Renard
