Phase 1: I will be creating a user input text-based game in which the player is traversing a strange forest at night, looking for clues to a series of murders/kidnappings. He will be prompted with a series of choices at each stop, and his path will be altered according to the decisions he makes. He may pick up and interact with objects along the way and use them to further his progress or delay it. The end game will either involve collecting all of the clues and returning home, or becoming a victim to the criminal mastermind's deceit.
Phase 2:
Summary - The programs starts by asking the user whether or not they want to play a game. If yes, you are then given a bit of brieft backgorund informaton on the setting and plot of the game, and then prompted with a set of choices to start moving forward. The game will then play out from there based on the decisions made by the user.
How to Run - Download the FinalProject.cpp file, Forest.h file, and Forest.cpp file and compile them using your preferred C++ compiler.
Dependencies - No extra dependencies.
System Requirements - Runs on all operating systems
Group Members - Wylie Wells
Contributors - N/A
Open Issues/Bugs - Would like to add more possible paths/choices for player to make and tools/notes to add to inventory to reach a better end to the game and in different ways.