
An example repo for generating python bindings with cppyy.

Primary LanguageCMakeOtherNOASSERTION

cppyy-bbhash: cppyy-generated bindings for bbhash

Build Status

This repository is both a working set of cppyy bindings for bbhash and an example of a CMake workflow for automatically generating bindings and a python package with cppyy. Although it is based on the bundled cppyy cmake modules, it makes a number of improvements and changes:

  • genreflex and a selection XML are use instead of a direct rootcling invocation. This makes name selection much easier.
  • Python package files are generated using template files. This allows them to be customized for the particular library being wrapped.
  • The python package is more complete: it includes a MANIFEST, LICENSE, and README; it properly recognizes submodules; it includes a tests submodule for bindings tests; it directly copies a python module file and directory structure for its pure python code.
  • The cppyy initializor routine has basic support for packaging cppyy pythonizors. These are stored in the pythonizors/ submodule, in files of the form pythonize_*.py. The pythonizor routines themselves should be named pythonize_<NAMESPACE>_*.py, where <NAMESPACE> refers to the namespace the pythonizor will be added to in the cppyy.py.add_pythonization call. These will be automatically found and added by the initializor.

And example of cppyy's bundled cmake support can be found here; there is also a listing of cppyy example projects in the cppyy documentation.

Repo Structure

  • CMakeLists.txt: The CMake file for bindings generation.
  • selection.xml: The genreflex selection file.
  • interface.hh: The interface header used by genreflex. Should include the headers and template declarations desired in the bindings.
  • cmake/: CMake files for the build. Should not need to be modified.
  • pkg_templates/: Templates for the generated python package. Users can modify the templates to their liking; they will be configured and copied into the build and package directory.
  • py/: Python package structure that will be copied into the generated package. Add any pure python code you'd like include in your bindings package here.
  • py/initializor.py: The cppyy bindings initializor that will be copied in the package. Do not delete!

Example Usage

For this repository with anaconda:

conda create -n cppyy-example python=3 cmake cxx-compiler c-compiler clangdev libcxx libstdcxx-ng libgcc-ng pytest
conda activate cppyy-example 
pip install cppyy clang

git clone https://github.com/camillescott/cppyy-bbhash
cd cppyy-bbhash
git submodule update --init --recursive

mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..

python setup.py bdist_wheel
pip install dist/cppyy_bbhash-*.whl

And then to test:

py.test -v cppyy_bbhash/tests/test_bbhash_basic.py

To use this repo as a template for you own bindings, you'll want to modify the selection.xml, interface.hh, and CMakeLists.txt, as well as swap out the submodule.


  • The CMake code for finding libclang is a bit fragile in conda environments.
  • Have CMake produce install commands to invoke setup.py and the pip install.
  • Create a PyPA package with a script to generate a repo using this this one as a template.
  • Use git hash in CMake for versioning.