
removes google feedproxy links from wordpress posts

Primary LanguagePHP

This is a Wordpress plugin, that resolves google feedproxy links.
Find updates at https://github.com/camillo/wp-untracker

I do not want to see google feedproxy links inside posts. I do not want to get
tracked by google and hate such things. Unfortunately some blogger use it
(their choise), so linking to their posts requires work to 'free' the links.
Stupid task (copy to browser, copy new url), that can get scripted very easy.

FeedproxyResolver tries to do this, by looking over new posts (by a regex), do a curl
request for every found feedproxy link and replace the link with the 'correct'
one (http header redirect_url).

Copy feedproxyResolver.php.php to wp-content/plugins and activate it.
You need to have installed curl support for php (on my ubuntu this was done per
default settings; aptitude install apache2 wordpress php5-gd).

Simple write your posts. Pressing the 'publish' button will call FeedproxyResolver
and feedproxy links will get replaced.

This is the first time I looked into wordpress and also the first time I wrote
a single line of (usefull) php code. Possible that stupid beginner's mistakes
exists. Please let me know if you see some.

Possible that the project growths. I have some ideas for other filters and
actions. If some people like the idea I will invest some time. Feel free to
contact me, if you see usefull aspects or want to contribute.

feedproxyResolver code is public domain.