
New version from scratch

Primary LanguageRuby

Expo: Experiment Engine for Distributed Platforms

Homepage: http://expo.gforge.inria.fr/

Authors: Cristian Ruiz, Brice Videau, Olivier Richard.


Expo is an experiment engine for distributed platforms. It aims at simplifying the experimental process on such platforms.


Procedure to install in Grid5000

  export https_proxy="http://proxy:3128"

  git clone https://github.com/camilo1729/expo_new.git
  export GEM_HOME=~/.gem/ 

  gem install pry restfully ap crack net-ssh net-scp net-sftp log4r-color

Running a simple experiment

bin/expo examples/simple_experiment.rb 


cristian.ruiz@imag.fr or report a bug in {https://lists.gforge.inria.fr/mailman/listinfo/expo-users Expo Mailing List}

Related Publications

Brice Videau, Corinne Touati, and Olivier Richard. Toward an experiment engine for lightweight grids. In MetroGrid workshop : Metrology for Grid Networks. ACM publishing, Lyon, France, October 2007. {file:docs/bib/Metro07.html bibtex}

Brice Videau and Olivier Richard. Expo : un moteur de conduite d'expériences pour plates-formes dédiées. In Conférence Française en Systèmes d'Exploitation (CFSE), Fribourg, Switzerland, February 2008. {file:docs/bib/CFSE6.html bibtex}

Cristian Ruiz, Olivier Richard, Videau Brice and Oleg Iegorov. Managing Large Scale Experiments in Distributed Testbeds. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2013) Conference in Innsbruck, Austria. {file:docs/bib/PDCN2013.html bibtex}


  • Nov.19.12: Released 0.4a experimental version for testing. The goal here is to get people testing Expo and know if it really makes easy the experimentation process.

  • Mar.8.10: Added Ruby commands.