Mobile Air Quality Monitoring System (MAQMS) - An IoT Network of Air Quality Monitoring stations connectes to Azure cloud to provide insights and predictive models of air quality in Mexico City.

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Mobile Air Quality Monitoring System (MAQMS) - An IoT Network of Air Quality Monitoring stations connected to Azure cloud to provide insights and predictive models of air quality in Mexico City.

The scope of the project is to measure and create predictive models of air quality in Mexico City but can be replicated in any city with a 3G/4G Network coverage.

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  • smth


This work describes the design and implementation of a system capable of create predictive models based on machine learning techniques using mobile air quality monitoring modules that sense pollution contaminants at street level, currently street level pollution data is not available since the Mexico City monitoring network measures air quality index at heights of 3 meters. There are two types of modules, the first is fixed at street level in public spaces whereas the second is mounted on a vehicle to obtain a better Air Quality Index samples in the city. Data is transmitted in real time using 4G coverage area network implementing IoT (Internet of Things) to store the data on the cloud for later processing using machine learning techniques that will help to create predictive models and therefore being able to provide a new alternative of air quality monitoring through new technologies in Mexico City.


The complete documentation including why this project was designed for mexico city its in the docs section, all the documentation is written in Spanish but a English version will be released soon.


About the project

This project was designed and created by Camilo Chavez and published at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional in Mexico.

If there is any concern about this project please contact me: contact@camilochavez.com