
Create an API of secret menu items available at your favorite fast food restaurant

Primary LanguageRuby


I followed this amazing well-done tutorial on how to create an API and testing with Postman. This is the link for the tutorial: https://dev.to/lisahjung/beginner-s-guide-to-creating-an-api-from-scratch-using-rails-2eie


  1. Create a new Rails API
  2. Enable CORS(Cross Origin Resource Sharing)
  3. Create model, controller, database migration table and route via rails g resource command
  4. Specify attributes and datatypes of a secret menu item
  5. Define index, show, create, update, and destroy actions
  6. Create routes for index, show, create, update, and destroy actions
  7. Seed data
  8. Fire up your server & postman to test API functionality