
Experimental project in exposing a dynamic CRUD Api using NodeJS/MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Do not use in a production app

This NodeJS CRUD API serves as a way to dynamically manage content in a MongoDB database.


localhost:3003/api/{Collection Name Here}

Adding a single item:

POST Url - http://localhost:3003/api/Food

JSON Body -

  "Name": "Chocolate Fondant",
  "Type": "Dessert"

Response (201):

  "_id" :  (New Id Here)
  “Name”: “Chocolate Fondant”, 
  “Type”: “Dessert” 

Adding multiple items:

POST Url - http://localhost:3003/api/Food

JSON Body -

  "Name": "Chocolate Fondant",
  "Type": "Dessert"
  "Name": "Fajitas",
  "Type": "Savory"


localhost:3003/api/{Collection Name Here}?propertyhere=value


localhost:3003/api/{Collection Name Here}/id-here

Get all items

GET Url - http://localhost:3003/api/Food

Response (200)

  "Name": "Chocolate Fondant",
  "Type": "Dessert"
  "Name": "Fajitas",
  "Type": "Savory"

Get a single item

GET Url - http://localhost:3003/api/Food?_id=id-here


GET Url - http://localhost:3003/api/Food/id-here


  "_id": "id-here"
  "Name": "Chocolate Fondant",
  "Type": "Dessert"


localhost:3003/api/{Collection Name Here}

Updating single item:

POST Url - http://localhost:3003/api/Food

JSON Body -

  "_id": id-here
  "Name": "Chocolate Fondant",
  "Type": "Chocolate Dessert"

Response (200):

  "ok": 1,
  "nModified": 1,
  "n": 1


localhost:3003/api/{Collection Name Here}?_id=id-here

Deleting a single item:

DELETE Url - http://localhost:3003/api/Food?_id=id-here

Response (200):

  "ok": 1,
  "n": 1

Building & Running Blob-API

  1. To run Blob-API, you'll need the following things installed:
  2. Get lib dependencies - In the /Server directory, via command line run: npm install.
  3. Run Blob-API - In the /Server directory, via command line run node index.js