
A set of scripts we use to do QC checks for VFX shots.

Primary LanguagePython

QC Check

A Set of Quality Control Checks for VFX Shots

This is a collection of tools that we use to check shots before delivery. I will be adding to this repo as we make more of the tools public. These scripts run asynchronously on our render farm after a shot has been submitted for delivery.


We often work on VFX shots that require retimes. It's important to double check to make sure that there are no duplicate frames back to back when delivering your shot.


Sometimes our .exr or .dpx files get corrupted. We don't notice sometimes because of Nuke's caching and accidently submit bad frames for delivery. This results in our distributor getting very upset and requesting new versions with fixed frames.

More Info About Nuke

These scripts use Foundry's Nuke (our VFX compositing package) as a Python module.

For more information about Nuke: check out the Foundry website.

For more information about using Python with Nuke: check out the Nuke Python Dev Guide and Nuke Python API

For more information about Nuke as a Python Module: check out the Nuke Python docs.