% git clone https://github.com/camlspotter/zukelang
% cd zukelang
% opam install --deps-only .
% dune build
% dune runtest
Protocol 2 of Pinochio: Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation
Test program: dune exec src/pinocchio/test/main.exe
Algorithm described in the section 3 of On the Size of Pairing-based Non-interactive Arguments, with some help of The zero knowledge blog.
Test program: dune exec src/groth16/test/main.exe
Make a program using a mini DSL and give it to Math.Protocol.Test(_)(_).random_test
open Zk
module C = Ecp.Bls12_381 (* Pairing friendly curve *)
module F = C.Fr (* Prime field *)
module Lang = Lang.Make(F) (* DSL *)
module Pinocchio = Pinocchio.Make(C) (* Protocol *)
module Test = Protocol.Test(F)(Pinocchio.ZK) (* Test for Pinocchio ZK protocol *)
open Lang.Expr.Combinator
let () =
Test.random_test @@
(* Your program written using Lang.Expr.C functions. *)
let_ (input "secret_input" secret ty_field) (fun x -> x * x * x + x + !3)
provides a minimal DSL to write ZK programs:
input name security ty
introduces an input namedname
.let_ a @@ fun x -> body
is for a let bindinglet x = a in body
- Binary product and sum types are available:
- Product
- constructor:
- deconstructors:
- constructor:
- Sum
- constructors:
left a ty_b
andright ty_a b
- deconstructor:
case a_or_b (fun a -> case_a) (fun b -> case_b)
- constructors:
- Product