
Streamlined recruitment pipeline management platform for campus organizations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Run Backend

cd backend/functions
firebase emulators:start

To run test suites [optional]

cd backend/functions
npm test

Run Frontend

To run the RecruitMe React app in development mode run:

yarn  # To install dependencies
yarn start

To build the React app for production, run:

yarn build

To run the linter on the frontend codebase, run:

yarn lint


This is base directory for the RecruitMe React app.


All of the source code for the frontend is housed in this folder. It includes the boilerplate React files such as index.jsxand also includes App.jsx which is the top-level React component that handles all page routing using react-router-dom.


This folder contains all functions that are necessary for interacting with the Firebase backend.


This folder contains images, icons, and other multimedia that is needed for the site.


This folder contains smaller, reusable components that are found on multiple pages of the website.


This folder contains and custom React hooks that are needed.


Each of the React components in this folder represents a separate page that can be visited on the website.


This folder contains routers for handling React Router sub-routing. For example, if a user tries to visit the /event route without providing an event ID, they should see a 404 page, however if they provide an event ID (i.e. /event/ID) then they should be routed to the EventOverview page.


This folder contains CSS styling documents for various pages and React components.


This contains public resources such as the website icon and index.html files.


all import files are under the functions/ directory


This file contains the express.js and Firebase Cloud functions initialization as well as the API routes definitions.


This file contains the Firebase ID Token validation method.


This file contains the constants including data table names that we use throughout backend development.


This folder contains the 4 main API routers including Events, Candidates, Comments, and Members. Each file contains the concrete implementation of each API endpoint.


This folder contains the auto-generated HTML API documentation of our backend code.


This folder contains the configuration including Firebase API key and more.


This folder contains the CI configuration for our project. Each of the YAML files contained in this directory is used to configure a Github action that is run before a PR is merged into master. This allows us to perform linting and testing across the backend and frontend.