is a tool for reading and modifying disk images.
The following commands are supported. Arguments in [] are optional. Arguments in {} are required.
Displays info about a disk or partition
fiz info {image} [partition]
Lists files in a directory on a disk or partition
fiz ls {image} [partition]/{path}
Displays a directory tree on a disk or partition
fiz tree {image} [partition]/{path}
Displays the contents of a file on a disk or partition
fiz cat {image} [partition]/{path}
Copies a file from one location to another on a disk(s) or partition(s)
fiz cp {image} [partition]/{path} {image} [partition]/{path}
Removes a file from a disk or partition
fiz rm {image} [partition]/{path}
Moves a file from one location to another on a disk(s) or partition(s)
fiz mv {image} [partition]/{path} {image} [partition]/{path}
Formats a disk or partition
fiz format {fs} {image} [partition]
Installs a bootloader to a disk or partition
fiz boot boot.img {image} [partition]
Creates a disk image
fiz create {image}
Partitions a disk image
fiz partition {image}
Copies a file from a disk image to the local filesystem
fiz get {image} [partition]/{path} {path}
Copies a file from the local filesystem to a disk image
fiz put {path} {image} [partition]/{path}
Copies DOS system files to a disk or partition
fiz sys {file 1},{file 2},{file n} {image} [partition]