
Taskfile tasks for reuse

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Task Lib is a collection of re-usable tasks that work with taskfile.dev.


There is currently no native way to include remote task files into your project, but you have a couple of options.

1. Fetch updates

You can use go-getter to pull updates as needed. You can even implement this as a task in your Taskfile.yml.

  desc: Update task dependencies
    - for: [tilt, python, rancher, yamlfmt]
      cmd: |
        go-getter github.com/GetDutchie/task-lib/tools/{{.ITEM}} .task/lib/tools/{{.ITEM}}

This task will loop throught the components listed and download them to .task/lib/tools/<component>.

OR Git Submodules

Don't like fetching updates? Take a look at Git Tools Submodules for information on submodules for git. Then include this repo (or a fork) as a submodule at .task or .task-lib.

2. Include the tasks

Now that the library taskfiles have been fetched they can be used. Taskfiles can include other taskfiles.

  tilt: ".task/lib/tools/tilt/task.yaml"
  python: ".task/lib/tools/python/task.yaml"
  rancher: ".task/lib/tools/rancher/task.yaml"
  yamlfmt: ".task/lib/tools/yamlfmt/task.yaml"

You can then call the includes taskfiles and their tasks with the <namespace>:<task> format. For example:

    - task: yamlfmt:install

The setup task will now call the yamlfmt libraries install task.


On Windows by default tools get installed in ${HOME}/tools. Make sure to add this to your path.