This project is a really simple project I made back in 2014 as a way to practise my Python skills.
It was so long ago that I didn't even know how to use the Flask library, and instead used its little brother, Bottle!
If it wasn't for this project my Python skills would not be as sharp as they are today.
I also made us of the power of xml for transferring data between my solution and the PC which stored the actual stocktake.
The project read an xml file that described the layout, positioning and other info related to items in a McDonald's stock area. The user could then enter stock counts for each item as they moved from area to area.
Once the stock take was completed the system would output a new xml file that could be transferred to the McDonald's back office PC and read into the system.
I started this project because at the time, McDonald's Store Managers were completing stocktake manually on paper. After showing the system to the Franchisee of my store, he organised for Head Office staff to view the system and discuss how it worked. Some of my ideas and solutions are present in todays Restaurant Stocktake Portal.