
Instructional code for exposing an endpoint in Express to retrieve albums from an album-list database

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The steps we took to create the foundation for this codebase are:

$ npm init - initializes a package.json file where the scripts and dependencies for the app will live

$ npm install --save pg knex - this installs knex locally as well as the pg client allowing the application to read from the local postgres database we will create $ knex init - creates the knexfile.js where we configure the database connections per environment; a good idea is to copy the knexfile.js from this repo and change the database name at the connection attribute in the development block.

After you create the database that you wrote in the knexfile you can run the below steps. To create the database, in the terminal, run: - createdb <databasename>

  1. Create a database migration for the student (notice the singularity) table.

    • knex migrate:make create_student_table
    • update the new file in the /migrations directory using the migration in this repo as a model
    • Let's make each student have:
      • first_name // string
      • last_name // string
      • grade_point_average // integer
      • bus_rider // boolean
  2. Run the migration.

    • knex migrate:latest

    Now the database schema is set up and you are ready to seed it!

  3. Have knex create a seeds file for you

    • knex seed:make adding_students
  4. and then seed that database:

    • knex seed:run
  5. You are now ready to read and write from your <databasename> database!