
learn about different types of security vulnerabilities and apply web security best practices

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

BEW 2.3: Web Security

Course Description

Describe your course here. A short elevator pitch for the course, use positive, friendly language to get students excited to take your course. Use of I/you/we should be used over instructor/students.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will be able to ...

  1. Confidently talk about different types of vulnerabilities within the security space
  2. Defend against vulnerabilities and attacks
  3. Apply web security best practices to your projects
  4. Understand and utilize adversarial security techniques
  5. Use practical techniques for securing applications and web servers


Date Security Category Topic
8/27 Social Engineering Lesson 1: How to Hack a Human
8/29 Culture Lesson 2: Historic Hacks / Ethical Hacking
9/3 Web Lesson 3: Server-Side Vulnerabilities
9/5 Web Lesson 4: Securing Data: Sanitization & Validation
9/10 Web Lesson 5: Client-Side Vulnerabilities
9/12 Operational Lesson 6: You've Been Hacked. What Do?
9/17 Web Lesson 7: OWASP Best Practices
9/19 Web Lesson 8: Recognize & Refactor Risky Code
9/24 Network Lesson 9: Build Your Own Botnet
9/26 Operational Lesson 10: Defense In Depth
10/1 Computer Lesson 11: Securing Your Application Server
10/3 Web Lesson 12: Tips, Tricks, & Tools of the Trade
10/8 Culture / Web Lesson 13: Capture the Flag Day
10/10 Final Project Presentations: BATTLE of the BOTNETS!


To pass this course you must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete all required assignments
  • Pass all projects according to the associated project rubric
  • Pass the final summative assessment according to the rubric as specified in this class
  • Actively participate in class and abide by the attendance policy
  • Make up all classwork from all absences

Make School Course Policies