This image installs Wordpress an open source blogging and content management system.
The stack comprises the following components (some are obtained through dell/lamp-base):
Name | Version | Description |
Wordpress | 4 | Content Management System |
Ubuntu | see docker-lamp-base | Operating system |
MySQL | see docker-lamp-base | Database |
Apache | see docker-lamp-base | Web server |
PHP | see docker-lamp-base | Scripting language |
Start the container, as follows:
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 3306:3306 --name wordpress dell/wordpress
Next, check the container logs, in order to get the MySQL password:
sudo docker logs wordpress
You will see some output like the following:
You can now connect to this MySQL Server using:
mysql admin -u admin -pca1w7dUhnIgI --host <host> -h<host> -P<port>
Please remember to change the above password as soon as possible!
MySQL user 'root' has no password but only allows local connections
In this case, ca1w7dUhnIgI is the password allocated to the admin user. Make a secure note of this value. You can use it later, to connect to MySQL (e.g. to backup data):
mysql -u admin -pca1w7dUhnIgI -h127.0.0.1 -P3306
Open a web browser and navigate to either the public DNS or IP address of your instance. For example, if the IP address is, do:
Your browser will warn you that the certificate is not trusted. If you are unclear about how to proceed, please consult your browser's documentation on how to accept the certificate.
You should see a page asking you to install WordPress. Select your language and click on Continue.
Next, supply the requested information for the following fields:
- Site Title
- Username
- Password
- Your E-mail
If you need assistance in using WordPress, there is huge amount of learning material avaliable online, for example:
Based on tutum/wordpress
Pre-built Image | https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/dell/wordpress