
Helpers to sign and verify JWTs with RSA key pairs

Primary LanguageElixir


Helper functions to create, sign and verify JSON Web Tokens for testing purposes.

CLI Commands

To generate a private RSA key:

openssl genrsa -out mykey.pem 2048

To derive a public key from the private key:

openssl rsa -in mykey.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem

Start an IEx session with the Mix project as the context:

iex -S mix

IEx Commands

To generate valid JWT claims, use Signature.Claims.valid:

claims = Signatures.Claims.valid

You can then modify specific claims with Signature.Claims.put

modified_claims =
  |> Signatures.Claims.put(:scp, "my.custom.scope")

Helpers are provided to invalidate claims exp (with an expiration date in the past) and nbf (with a not before date in the future):

claims_with_invalid_expiration =
  |> Signatures.Claims.invalidate(:exp)

claims_with_invalid_not_before =
  |> Signatures.Claims.invalidate(:nbf)

To generate a signed JWT from a claims struct with a key from the resources folder (replace idam_stub.pem with the key you want to use to sign the token):

Signatures.sign(claims, "idam_stub.pem")

To verify a JWT was signed with a public key from the resources folder:

Signatures.verify("eyJ0e...zTVTA", "idam_stub_pub.pem")

To generate a JWK from a PEM in the resources folder:
