This docker image is a standalone MVT server for Swisstopo "leichte-basiskarte" MVT product.
The image is based on openresty for the dynamic style.json
and tiles.json
docker pull camptocamp/swisstopo-light-basemap:latest
docker build -t camptocamp/swisstopo-light-basemap:latest --build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name mvt camptocamp/swisstopo-light-basemap:latest
The templates can render any kind of url, the idea is that this server should be able to run behind some reverse proxies. The reverse proxies are supposed to provide the following request headers:
- X-Forwarded-Host: basically what should be in the
header - X-Forwarded-Proto: "http" or "https"
- X-Forwarded-Prefix: any additional path between the hostname and the root of the service.
- VECTORTILES_PROTOCOL: "http" or "https"
- VECTORTILES_FQDN: basically what should be in the
header - VECTORTILES_BASEURL: any additional path between the host and the root of the service
- SWISSTOPO_WMTS_HILLSHADE_URL: if the WMTS server for hillshade runs on the same server, put here the path that follows the
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
-e "SWISSTOPO_WMTS_HILLSHADE_URL=/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts/rest/workspace:ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte_reliefschattierung/raster/EPSG:3857/EPSG:3857:{z}/{y}/{x}?format=image/png" \
-e "" \
--name mvt camptocamp/swisstopo-light-basemap:latest