- 1
Support for other Language?
#47 opened by gitpower2017 - 5
Where are linux driver ?
#64 opened by Slartitorto - 2
Trying to compile for fedora
#57 opened by berinc - 0
laser master 2 not working on Linux
#67 opened by 0xtrzy - 2
- 2
- 1
Nothing to be done for 'install'
#63 opened by StephanKrauss - 55
Comment and trouble similar as Issue #12 NEJE DK-8-KZ cant transfer data correctly
#34 opened by Jazzjerry - 0
NEJE engraver faulty printing
#62 opened by anna170186 - 0
stop printing before the end
#61 opened by lemonelle - 1
Preview has wrong size !
#60 opened by jys31 - 0
v4.0 Windows 10
#59 opened by kingfisheranalytics - 0
- 14
New, bigger, laser engravers
#43 opened by GilDev - 15
new protocol? Neje DK-8-KZ
#53 opened by firstel - 0
Besides NEJE add GRBL
#56 opened by eltoneo - 9
DK-BL Support
#39 opened by cyclone-github - 0
Compiling on OSX 10.13.6/Xcode 10.1/qt 5.12.0
#55 opened by moskrin - 3
Suggestion: dimensioning helpers
#32 opened by GilDev - 0
EzgraverUI on 3.5 inch screen
#54 opened by ahmadhanis - 7
UI works but CLI doesn't with NEJE DK-8-KZ
#52 opened by sleptew - 4
Running on macOS 10.13.2
#40 opened by harlleysathler - 1
I've downloaded everything I possibly can for this and then I press start and it says connection break retrying...
#51 opened by kaylahutnick - 1
Suggestion: Screen Size
#50 opened by alanv73 - 0
Request: Post the control codes
#49 opened by FOSSBOSS - 9
EzGraver on Raspberry Pi 3 running raspbian
#41 opened by lucasvieites - 8
Ctrl+Z to Exit the CLI Application
#45 opened by onebeartoe - 1
Only getting test image on Mac
#44 opened by Coloradogoose - 3
Add a timer with elapsed time
#42 opened by lucasvieites - 9
Suggestion: add keyboard movements
#27 opened by GilDev - 3
Need help downloading/building
#37 opened by bolstav - 10
Can't launch on macOS
#21 opened by GilDev - 4
- 11
DK-8KZ not supported
#12 opened by bjacobse - 6
Suggestion: progress indicator
#30 opened by GilDev - 4
Suggestion: positioning rectangle
#31 opened by GilDev - 5
Possible Feature?
#14 opened by rabfulton - 5
Moving commands don't work on DK-8-KZ
#18 opened by AlexNk - 2
Manual scaling once an image has been loaded
#19 opened by polyglob - 3