
CS 4911

Primary LanguagePython

Re-design of T-Square for CS 4911 - Senior Design

Nirav Bhatia, Cameron Guthrie, Sean Gillespie

This repository contains the code for our Senior Design project. We wanted to create a more mobile-friendly TSquare interface, with the same capabilities and use cases as TSquare but with the ease of mobile navigation.

Build Instructions

To get the source for this application,

git clone https://github.com/swgillespie/tsquare-webapp.git
cd tsquare-webapp
pip install -r requirements.txt

This will clone the source and install all dependencies.

Deploying Locally

This application expects an environment variable DATABASE_URL that encodes the required information for the app to establish a connection with the database. Locally, we use sqlite as a database backend. Create an environment variable

export DATABASE_URL="sqlite:////<path>/<to>/<db>/<file>

The file can be anything you want, and if it doesn't exist yet, it'll be created.

Then, run

python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py runserver

The first line is only necessary the first time you run the app. Runserver will start a webserver on port 8000.

Deploying on Heroku

To deploy on Heroku, simply get the remote .git location from Heroku and

git remote add heroku https://<url>/<of>/<heroku>/<.git>
git push heroku master

Heroku does the rest.