
HEC stats shown in this report:

  • HEC Health: Overall Health, Forwarding Health, Queue Health
  • Persistent queue size (requires collecting this info via scripted input, sample below)
  • Events/sec by receiving host and input definition
  • Bytes/sec by receiving host and input definition
  • HEC batching efficiency showing events and volume per post, and posts/sec


  • Assumes you are installing on your MC

  • You will need a custom group defined on your MC: hec (used as dmc_customgroup_hec)

  • You will need to modify the env selection dropdown to fit your environment.

  • The script I use to collect PQ size info

    if test -d $SPLUNK_DIR
     date +"%F %T %z"
     echo -n "pq_size="
     du -sm $SPLUNK_DIR | egrep -o "[0-9]*"